Saturday, November 6, 2010

Treats and Sweets

I finally got some new batteries for my camera so this morning took a few pictures of a couple of birthday presents and other sweet new treats to share with you....

My substitute birthday cake from my boss, famous magnolia bakery cupcakes

Beautiful handmade card from my lovely Vickie along with this prettttty 2011 journal

Other new loves

My amazing creative package of mix cds that would make anyones day from my sweet pal Mal

And my new cute vintage thrift store phone with the super long cord so you can move all over the room

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I've never commented on your photo journalism extravaganza before but I thought I would 'cos there were pictures of my dopey as CDs in there, I hope you find somethin' you like on 'em. The journal looks ace and I love the phone, I really really want an old Bakelite with a winding dial even though it would take ages to use these days.
