Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The grass is always greener

Today I woke up, drew my blinds and had to wipe my weary sleep deprived eyes twice to make sure I was seeing right- it snowed all last night! white white white! and it has made me feel like a 5 year old all day long! We have had little bits of snow but nothing quite like this as yet. Walking outside with the babies I couldn't help but kick the snow and purposely walk over the deeper bits to hear it crunch. It felt pretty weird to be acting so normal, going about my working day without squealing and having a snow fight- but here it is normal I guess. But it has made me ever so excited for Canada missions in just four days! ahhh a holiday will be so sweet! and right now all I care for is having some FUN. Letting my hair down and not feeling like a mother to toddler triplets for a wee bit!

I have been reading a few other blogs today and since quite a few of my favourites are run by kiwis I keep hearing of these beautiful long summers days and sticky hot nights and have lost count of how many people have said "I wish I could trade it in for some snuggly blankets" or "dressing for winter is so much more fun with all those layers" (which i totally agree with) but it made me laugh and think the grass is always greener on the other side and believe me i am guilty of this too, probably the worst at it rather then anyone i know! But when your living the opposite of what you normally would be or you could say where the grass is greener its funny to hear people wish for it.

Most days I would kill to be at home in the southern hemisphere soaking up those rays and pushing my knotty salty hair into a bun but today I am quite happy to be here in the sub zero temperatures. and I just thought, since its so rare for me to say so, it should be recorded :)


  1. Haha, neat. White Christmas perhaps. I'll think of you when I'm trying to cool down under a sprinkler ;)
    Have fun in Canada!

  2. thats awesome hunny. im soo glad that your happy and excited about something and vickie being there with you is going to be amazing. wish i could join you guys!!!

    love you lots :) xxx
