After recently discovering there is a full on dvd store within my local library where everything is free i have been on a little movie binge, and in perfect timing for winter. Winter to me quite seriously means cute clothes, soup, tea and dvds in bed- thats all i care for. And everytime i watch a good movie it plays on my mind for days. i love how it can effect my mood for so long after- i become completely captivated. I love movies!
Due to the slightly limited selection at the libary i have been discovering some old favourites and some new random ones that i am so thankful to have come across. this weeks- BIG, Away we go and Almost Famous.
All i really have to say about
BIG is its so funny to watch movies you haven't seen since you were little. When you’re a kid and you watch these movies you see it at face value for whats in front of you and nothing else. Then you get older and watch it again- you see this entirely new meaning, purpose and understanding to the movie and its messages. Which is exactly what this movie is about- getting big and having to accept responsibility in order to provide. Age doesn’t make us old, the responsibility that we gain from age makes us old.
Away we go is a kinda romantic comedy about a young-ish (they have issues with their age) couple who have the love part of life sorted but not the "basics". They go on a road trip (physically) to find out where they want to live and raise their baby (which is growing by the day in her womb) and end up on this little life road trip learning about themselves and going back to their roots. Now i know that sounds completely lame and like a chick flick but its better then that. It was kinda sweet and artsy, kinda funny, one of those sundance festival movies- which are my favourites- without the big names or americanized bullshit plus exactly what my overactive obsessive mind needed to chill out, remember whats important and just let life take you where you are meant to be. Anyone who knows me well will know exactly why this is a much needed lesson in my life RIGHT NOW!
Almost Famous- everybody's favorite! Honestly i hadn't actually seen this one in ages either, i knew i liked it, but maybe just cause everyone else seemed to. This movie kind of reminds me of Lords of Dogtown, no clue why, same era maybe? or Blow. I love these movies so much! Around the 50-70's bracket- god i wish i lived those days! The style, the music, the attitudes and life philosophies, where everything was just beginning, seems so exciting and real. People were just happy- probably cause they were all on drugs but still... ahhhhh looks like fun times.